Aerospace Education
Civil Air Patrol’s awarding-winning aerospace education program promotes aerospace, aviation, and STEM-related careers with engaging, standards-based, hands-on curriculum and activities. It shapes the experiences and aspirations of youth both in and outside of CAP’s cadet program.
As a cadet, half of this mission is accomplished through academics. That begins with the seven Aerospace Modules. The first module is Introduction to Flight, in which an individual learns about basic flight theory and aeronautics. Second is Aircraft Systems and Airports, a cadet will accustom themselves with airport rules, and aircraft systems and gadgets. Third, Air Environment deals mainly with meteorology. The fourth, is Rockets, in which the history of rocketry and the race for space are all discussed. In the fifth, Space Environment, we prepare ourselves to explore brave new worlds, and their environments. Sixth, Spacecraft, is the study of manmade satellites like GPS, manned space missions such as Apollo and Gemini, and our more current space programs. The final module covers the relatively new realm of cyberspace and an introduction into cybersecurity. The next stage of a cadet’s academic career in aerospace education is through the book “Journey of Flight” which covers the previous topics in greater academic depth.
The next half of Aerospace education is through physical application. Those come through Orientation Flights and working towards your Privat Pilot License. CAP also has STEM kits that familiarize cadets with robotics, programming, RC flying, and much more.
Civil Air Patrol, as the official Auxiliary of the United States Air Force, and, as a humanitarian, non-profit organization, has garnered the support and commitment of its 61,000+ volunteer members nationwide, alongside a three-person Aerospace Education team at CAP National Headquarters at Maxwell Air Force Base, AL, and has answered the nation’s “call to action” to prepare our nation’s youth to be patriotically and technologically prepared for the global aerospace demands of the future. Although CAP’s AE Program has been making significant contributions to this effort for 67 years, it has embraced a 21st century leadership role with restructured, revised, and re-energized products and programs more relevant to today’s standards of learning and tomorrow’s workforce needs. AE’s interdisciplinary products and programs engage youth in an applicable, inquiry-based learning framework that supplements core subjects and enhances traditional learning. These academic standards-based products and programs are provided to educators at no cost, a fact that is helping to offset the lack of local, state, and federal funding for educational programs.
CAP’s unpaid professionals, both in community CAP squadrons and in classrooms, youth organizations, and aviation museums, are trained in technology and educational programs that continue to sustain CAP’s reputation as a national resource of choice. High-level technology usage, such as Forward Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR thermal imaging sensors for Search & Rescue missions) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle training capabilities are conducted by CAP adult and cadet members. Using CAP subject matter experts as mentors to youth, new CAP educational products pertaining to Robotics, Flight Simulation, Remotely-Piloted Aircraft, Cyber Security, and Satellite Tracking and Imagery will help inspire youth toward aerospace careers to maintain national security for the future.
In an effort to disseminate current and relevant national AE outreach information to its members and the general public, CAP publishes a quarterly Volunteer magazine, provides online daily Volunteer Now stories from the field, and maintains this AE website with an ever-evolving repository of resources, programs, and products.
To recognize outstanding efforts of its members who promote Aerospace/STEM Education across the nation, CAP provides a array of local and national AE awards for outstanding cadets, senior members, and educator members. To perpetuate the education of its members, CAP offers flight and academic scholarships and college credit to CAP cadet, adult, and educator members, as well as specific regional and national training symposiums for CAP AE Officers and educator members.